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Bible ResearchComments on the text, versions, and interpretation of the Bible
IJMTT Journal | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and TechnoInternational Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal. The journal is going to publish the manuscripts as per the guidelines of The Journal of Mathematics.
Medieval Money, Merchants, and Morality Manuscripts at the MorganUsing its acclaimed medieval manuscripts, The Morgan s exhibition will be examing the economic revolution in medieval Europe and charting the expanding role and perception of money during that period.
The Word Library | Module add-ons: BiblesPriceless Bible Software: Completely free, high-quality Bible Software for everyone. theWord is also portable and works directly off a USB flash drive script src= /script
Quran - WikipediaThe final verse of the Quran was revealed on the 18th of the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah in the year 10 A.H., a date that roughly corresponds to February or March 632. The verse was revealed after the Prophet finished
Author's Guidelines - IJASBTA peer reviewed International online Journal.
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ProjectWorkshop And Training For Samskrit Teachers
Medical Manuscript Writing Services | Words DoctorateAre you looking for a high-impact factor Medical Writing Service? Here's your chance to get help with the best medical manuscript writing service.
Publication Ethics & Malpractice Statement | Research AmbitAppropriate attribution and acknowledgement
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